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In this solo episode, KMO reads some feedback from thoughtful listeners, including a long piece from the author of The Hipcrime Vocab blog about Modern Monetary Theory and inflation. Thereafter it's all AI all the time. What is Alexa doing to us? What will be the long term ramifications of AlphaGo beating a Chinese Go champion and providing the Chinese Communist Party with its AI Sputnik moment? How will AI assistants play our emotions?

CRV 316

KMO talks with long-time friend of the C-Realm, Kevin D. Kevin lives in Pittsburgh very near the Tree of Life Synagogue, so you can probably guess where the conversation STARTS. From there it widens to include many regular C-Realm topics like AI and it's effects on the capitalist arrangement of society. Two books that KMO has read/listened to recently, Red Moon by Kim Stanley Robinson and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari figure prominently in the latter half of the conversation.

CRV 314

KMO is packing up to fly to LA for Politicon 2018. It's likely to be the scene of street battles between Antifa and Proud Boys; a glorious spectacle of ideologically-induced insanity. And stuff about AI, UBI, and figuring out whether the purpose of civilization is to create the conditions for the virtuous to make a fortune or to help all humans live decent lives.


Yet another meditation on sex robots, sexual politics, monogamy, and, just for giggles, Islam. Good thing this one's behind a paywall. Things could get ugly if this one managed to go viral.

Inspired by the essay Uncanny Vulvas by .

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