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CRV 399

Bitcoin in freefall, central banks flooding the economy with new money, people raring to get back to normal life. All of these are variables in the weird world of the present moment. How do they all interact and to what effect?


Feast your eyes on this lavish cover art. The audio content is every bit as provocative and alluring as this image.

KMO talks with Irv Mills about the pitfalls of managing by metrics before getting into a rousing discussion about the significance of the Consumer Price Index and finally a long and meandering rant about stuff.


In this solo episode, KMO reads some feedback from thoughtful listeners, including a long piece from the author of The Hipcrime Vocab blog about Modern Monetary Theory and inflation. Thereafter it's all AI all the time. What is Alexa doing to us? What will be the long term ramifications of AlphaGo beating a Chinese Go champion and providing the Chinese Communist Party with its AI Sputnik moment? How will AI assistants play our emotions?

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