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CRV 346

KMO talks with Phil, a 31 year-old Massachusetts native living in Baltimore, Maryland about a his political awakening campaigning for Obama as a college student and then voting for Jill Stein a short four years later. Other topics include the Great Awokening, campus culture, Peak Oil, and the potential future struggles of China. 


Is this your idea of a lithium mine?

Long-time listeners will recognize Eric Boyd as the loyal C-Realm opposition on the topic of Peak Oil and collapse. Eric has appeared on the C-Realm and C-Realm Vault podcasts for years as the person who offers friendly, calm push-back against the PO collapse narrative. Now the KMO has put some distance between himself and collapse, it seems like a good time to check back in with Eric to compare notes.

CRV 333

What happens when the rate of return on investment outpaces economic growth?

KMO and frequent contributor, Rob, discuss Douglas Rushkoff's most recent book, Team Human. Not surprisingly, the conversation touches often on the topic of artificial intelligence and its likely effects on human prospects for a viable and dignified future.

CRV 332

KMO talks with long-time friend of the C-Realm, David McFadzean. Topics include AI, the culture war, surveillance capitalism and peak oil.

KMO's shirt which gets referenced in the podcast.

539: Extend the Pretend

KMO has turned Peak Oil apostate. Information technology and machine learning in particular, seem to have played a much more influential and interesting role in determining the course of industrial civilization over the past decade than have shortfalls in petroleum production. In short, the predictions of a Peak Oil fast collapse have failed to materialize. Over that same period, most everyone in the industrialized world has taken to carrying powerful computers around with them that fit in the palms of their hands. Governments and corporations use the data we generate with our online activity for surveillance and social control. What will the coming decade hold? Will the collapse of industrial civilization finally make its entrance, or will information technology extend it's lead over the predicted collapse? KMO puts these questions to long-time C-Realm guest, James Howard Kunstler, who predicts that the collapse is still coming, and that the next couple of years will be marked by greatly increased levels of disorder on the international stage.

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