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535: The REAL Star Trek

Season 2 of both Star Trek: Discovery and The Orville are just weeks away. KMO talks to JP of Egotastic Funtime about both shows and why it is that TheĀ  Orville feels so much more like Star Trek than the official offering from CBS, the legal owners of the Star Trek IP. They also discuss YouTube as a means for independent content creators to distribute their content and as a way for corporations to create a simulacrum of grassroots supports for their products.


In this solo episode, KMO reads some feedback from thoughtful listeners, including a long piece from the author of The Hipcrime Vocab blog about Modern Monetary Theory and inflation. Thereafter it's all AI all the time. What is Alexa doing to us? What will be the long term ramifications of AlphaGo beating a Chinese Go champion and providing the Chinese Communist Party with its AI Sputnik moment? How will AI assistants play our emotions?

534: Roots of Division

Keith Preston of Attack The System

KMO welcomes Keith Preston of Attack the System back to C-Realm Radio to talk about the current political and social division in the United States. Keith first offers a technological explanation for the intensity of the social animosity on display in public discourse. He then delves into the history of left and right political movements in the US to describe in more detail how we came to our particular historical moment.


Charles Murray

A while back (on CRV episodes 246 & 248) KMO and Doug Lain talked at length about Charles Murray and the wrath that he draws to himself from the forces of wokefullness. Irv Mills, blogger and long-time friend of the C-Realm, read The Bell Curve at KMO's suggestion and wanted to make his case for saying the Charles Murray is really wrong on some important points. Here is that conversation. It is rich with the juicy goodness of the supposed statistical correlation with race and IQ. Dangerous conversation ahead.


KMO and Rob talk about the book Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor by Virginia Eubanks. As algorithms take over the management of the poor and automate decisions formerly made by humans exercising their experience, training and judgment, the abdication of authority from humans to machines advances by leaps, bounds and relentless baby steps.

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