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This episode explores ideas in Ian M. Banks' 1994 essay, "A Few Notes on the Culture." You can find an audiobook version of the essay on The KMO Show feed and on YouTube.

The primary question addressed here is whether future artificial intelligence, perhaps an artificial super intelligence similar to the "Minds" depicted in the Culture novels, could make a planned economy successful in spite of their long track record of failure when implemented by human planners.

More generally, the episode examines whether something approximating a post-scarcity society with roughly equal distribution of benefits and privileges to all inhabitants is possible and what it might look like.

Warning, this episode could send those allergic to hopium into anaphylactic  shock.

C-Realm Vault 462

KMO sits down with a self-described "right of center" chemical engineer working in the green energy sector. They discuss the feasibility of replacing fossil fuel energy with biofuels. There's a bit about AI at the end, but this episode is largely a jump back in time to when the C-Realm Podcast was mostly about whether industrial civilization will be able to continue beyond the exhaustion of petroleum resources.

CRV 459

This is the conclusion of the conversation with Chris Cutrone that began on KMO Show episode 015. We talk about AI, automation, UBI, and the possibilities for moving to something better for the majority of people than neoliberal capitalism.

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