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CRV 470

Dwarkish Patel and Leopold Aschenbrener talked about AI for four and a half hours on a podcast. Here's an hour of me boiling it down and straining it through cheese cloth. Topics include aligning the behavior of entities that are much smarter than humans, geopolitical drivers of the AI arms race, and the exponential power needs of training new frontier models.

CRV 469

The story of GPT4-o sounding too much like ScarJo's character from Her has captured the attention of the mainstream media, the alternative media, and dissident media. It's possible to alight on a less serious AI story, but this is some pretty fluffy stuff. This episode is about all the other concerns that are front and center, not speculative far off scifi scenarios.

CRV 443

NIght Cafe AI images of a dog, wearing a baseball cap, eating ice cream.

Thanks to John Atwood not only for this conversation but for picking me up in Kings Beach, California and conveying me to my hotel in Reno, Nevada by way of a Thai restaurant, the UPS store and a post office in Carson City, Nevada.

The topic here, as with so many of my recent videos, is #AIart. John and I largely agree on the topic, though he fills in some of the gaps in my understanding.

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