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KMO reads chapters 9 - 16 of Donald J. Putin on American Exceptionalism: It's Not You, It's Just America Being America, by Donald J. Putin.

9. The Unfair Sex

10. Nervous Nellies 

11. Guns Blazing 

12. Jailhouse Rock

13. Life, if You Can Call it That in the ‘Burbs

14. Poverty of Spirit

15. Faith-Based Initiatives

16. Social Immobility

CRV 375

KMO reads chapter 8 of Donald J. Putin on American Exceptionalism: It's Not You. It's Just America Being America. This chapter is about the history of the American Empire. Yes, it's an empire.

563: Exceptionally Sucky

Donald J. Putin

KMO compares notes on empire and American exceptionalism with Donald J. Putin, author of Donald J. Putin on American Exceptionalism : It's Not You, It's Just America Being America.

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