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311: There But For Gratuitous Grace

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KMO and the Lovely Olga K talk with Peter Bebergal about psychedelics, drug addiction, magical thinking, paranoia, fate, and spirituality. Peter’s book, Too Much to Dream: A Psychedelic American Boyhood deals with all of these issues, and Peter had a much rougher time growing up in the 80′s than did KMO, even though their interests and cultural touchstones were so similar. They both had a group of friends who fancied that they could contact the divine by altering their consciousness with psychedelics, they both endured the paranoia of living in a culture that criminalizes such exploration, but Peter’s path lead him through much darker territory.
Music by Weal and Woe.

310: Gooey Ritual & Prickly Magick

Available on Patreon.

KMO and Olga welcome Pam Grossman of Phantasmaphile and the Observatory Gallery at Proteus Gowanus and Peter Bebergal, author of Too Much to Dream: A Psychedelic American Boyhood to  the C-Realm Podcast to discuss the intersection of magickal ritual,  religious tradition, psychedelic exploration, and the thirst for gnosis.  KMO summarizes arguments from Advanced Magick for Beginners  by Alan Chapman, and Olga, acting as proxy for the regular C-Realm  listeners likely to be bewildered by this conversation, asks for  clarification at key moments.  This conversation continues in Psychonautica 084.Music by Not Waving But Drowning.

Cover art painting by Arik Roper.

Both Pam Grossman and Peter Bebergal have recently appeared as guests on the Expanding Mind radio show/podcast with Erik Davis.

309: Empathy Is the Invisible Hand

Available on Patreon.

KMO welcomes Eric Boyd back to the program to discuss possibilities for kicking the energy can down the road with cold fusion. Friend of the C-Realm,  Joe S. joins the conversation to represent the viewpoint that free  energy could be bad news, as it would allow humans to continue the  project of constructing global dominance hierarchies and despoiling the  biosphere. KMO plays a clip of Jeremy Rifkin talking about the ideas in  his book The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis.  Rifkin claims that advancing communications technology has allowed  humans to expand the sphere of beings with whom they identify and for  whom they feel empathy. With more time and energy at our disposal, might  humans come to extend our empathic concern to include the entire  biosphere? The conversation concludes with a discussion of the potential  impact of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.  Music by Alexandre Tannous and Simon G. Powell.

284 Stocks, Flows and the MEGO Effect

Available on Patreon.

KMO welcomes anti-economist Professor Steve Keen  to the C-Realm to detail the limitations of neoclassical economics as  well as popular misconceptions promulgated by advocates of alternative  economics. Professor Keen disposes of the “moral hazard” argument  against the inevitable debt jubilee and provides some advice for  weathering the looming economic tumult.

Music by Fernando Tarango.



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