C-Realm Vault Membership

New Subscribers Please use my Patreon Account
C-Realm Vault membership includes:
- Access to the C-Realm Vault Podcast - a second hour of C-Realm listening every week.
- Access to the C-Realm Vault Blog - from-the-hip opinions that may not be quite fit to print, including thoughts and opinions too raw for the genteel vibe of the Wednesday C-Realm Podcast.
- Free downloads in .PDF format of all print materials that KMO publishes on the Amazon Kindle.
Q: Things on the Web should be free. Why isn't everything on your site free?
A: Since 2006 I have published over 300 audio interviews via the C-Realm Podcast. This has been a labor of love (or maniac obsession - take your pick) for me, and while I have accepted voluntary donations from listeners, I have distributed the content under a Creative Commons license and assured listeners who could not afford to support the work with a donation that I offer the weekly C-Realm Podcast with no strings attached. Beyond that, on the 3rd Friday of every month Olga and I put out the Psychonautica Podcast on the Dopefiend.co.uk Podcast Network. Like the Wednesday C-Realm Podcast, anyone can listen to Psychonautica free of charge. That's a lot of free content.
My work on the C-Realm has provided me with a sense of meaning and accomplishment. Now it's time for it to provide me with a living.
Q: Can I subscribe through iTunes?
A: Not at this time. We are working on a way to add a paid subscription channel to iTunes podcasts.
Q: Is the C-Realm Vault more of what we hear on the C-Realm Podcast, or will the content be different?
A: Some of the material on the C-Realm Vault Podcast would seem right at home on the regular C-Realm Podcast. Other stuff in the Vault is a little too racy or "out there" for the C-Realm.
Q: I signed up, but I never got an email telling me how to log in and access the Vault Materials.
A: When you sign up to C-Realm Vault you will receive a welcome email containing your login details and RSS feed. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder. If you don't find it there, please contact support@c-realm.com. Please include the email address you used to sign up with and and we will resend your welcome email. Also, please check the email address associated with your Paypal account, as the welcome email may have been sent there.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: You may discontinue your membership at any time, but I will not be offering refunds. If you have doubts about the value of C-Realm content, please listen to as much of the 300+ hours of free audio on this website as it takes for you to get a feel for what the C-Realm is about and what it means to you. If you've exhausted the free content and you still want more, than a C-Realm Vault membership is a pretty safe bet, don't you think? If you try it and decide it's not for you and cancel after the first month, then you've spent $8. That's the price of bucket of popcorn at the movies or a beer in half-way upscale bar.
Q: I'd like to subscribe, but I don't use PayPal. Can I pay by check or money order?
A: Yes. It's easier for me if you go through PayPal, but I certainly understand why some folks would rather not have any dealings with that company. Please send email to kmo@c-realm.com, and I will send you instructions for enrolling by mail.
Q: I see a C-Realm book or essay for sale for the Kindle on Amazon.com, but I don't see it available for free download in .PDF form in the C-Realm Vault. What gives?
A: Newly added Kindle titles in the Amazon Direct Publishing program must be exclusive to Amazon.com for 90 days. Thereafter I will make them available as a free download for Vault members.